The PCIH38F300A1 UPWRA-KW3M2UPWR relies on precise spacecraft control

The PCIH38F300A1 UPWRA-KW3M2UPWR relies on precise spacecraft control

After the Second World War control theory was becoming an important field of study. Ilgard Flugg-Loz developed the theory of discontinuous automatic control systems and applied the Bang-bang principle to… The development of automatic flight control devices for aircraft. [9][10] Other applications of discontinuous control include fire-fighting systems, guidance systems and electronics.

Sometimes mechanical methods are used to improve the stability of the system. A ship’s stabilizer, for example, is a fin that is mounted below the draft line and exposed from the side. In modern ships, they may be gyro-controlled active fins capable of altering their Angle of attack to counteract wobble caused by wind or waves acting on the ship.

The space race also depends on precise spacecraft control, and control theory has growing applications in fields such as economics and artificial intelligence. Here, one might say that the goal is to find an internal model that is subject to the good regulator theorem. Thus, for example, in economics, the more accurately a trading model (for stocks or commodities) represents the behavior of the market, the easier it is to control the market (and extract “useful work” (profit) from it. In AI, an example might be a chatbot that simulates the state of human speech: the more accurately it simulates the state of human speech (for example, on a telephone voice support hotline), the better it will be at manipulating humans (for example, performing corrective actions to solve the problem that led to the call for help). These last two examples take the narrow historical interpretation of control theory as a set of differential equations that simulate and modulate kinetic motion, and extend it to a regulator and interactive plant.