NI SCXI-1162HV shares different libraries of the same programming interface

NI SCXI-1162HV shares different libraries of the same programming interface

Interface software library is a kind of API. Apis describe and specify “expected behavior” (specifications), while libraries are the “actual implementations” of this set of rules.

An API can have multiple implementations (or no implementations, because it is abstract), in the form of different libraries that share the same programming interface.

The separation of an API from its implementation allows programs written in one language to use libraries written in another language. For example, because Scala and the Java language (a computer language used especially to create websites) compile to bytecode compatible, Scala developers can take advantage of any Java API. [15]

The use of apis can vary depending on the type of programming language involved. While an API procedural language such as the upper left arm can consist primarily of basic routines that execute code, manipulate data, or handle errors, an object-oriented language such as Java provides the specification of a class and its class methods. [16][17] Hiram’s Law [18] states that “with a sufficient number of API users, it doesn’t matter what you promise in your contract: all observable behavior of your system will depend on someone.” At the same time, some studies have shown that most applications that use apis tend to use a small portion of the API. [19]

Language bindings are also apis. By mapping the features and functions of one language to interfaces implemented in another language, language bindings allow libraries or services written in one language to be used while developing in another language. [20]

Tools such as Daxi and F2PY, aFORTRAN language-Respect – Computer programming Language interface generator, facilitate the creation of such interfaces. [21]

Apis can also differ from software frameworks: A framework can be based on several libraries implementing several apis, but unlike normal use of the API, access to the framework’s built-in behavior is achieved by extending its content with new classes inserted into the framework itself.

In addition, control of the entire program flow can be taken out of the caller’s control, and the framework controls inversion of control or a similar mechanism