Etherwan EL100T technology is widely used in control systems

Etherwan EL100T technology is widely used in control systems

Proportional integral differential controller (PID controller) is a feedback mechanism of control system, which is widely used in control system.

The PID controller continuously calculates the error value e (t) as an ideal selection point and a measurement of process parameters and applies corrections commensurate with, integral, and derivative terms based on the following factors. PID is an acronym. Proportional integral derivative refers to the three terms that operate on the error signal to produce the control signal.

The theoretical understanding and application date back to the 1920s and are implemented in almost all analog control systems; First in mechanical controllers, then using discrete electronics, and later in industrial process computers. PID controllers are probably the most commonly used feedback control designs.

If u (t) is the control signal sent to the system, y (t) is the output measured, and r (t) is the desired output, and e (t) =r (t) −y (t) is the tracking error, the PID controller has the general form