AB 1336-L4 LESS ENCODER BOARD: Precision Motion Control Module

The AB 1336-L4 LESS ENCODER BOARD is designed for high-precision motion control applications, offering seamless integration and enhanced performance for industrial automation systems.

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Operating Voltage:DC 24V

Current Consumption:Less than 25mA

Operating Temperature Range:-20°C to +60°C

Communication Protocol:EtherCAT

Encoder Compatibility:Up to 1024 PPR

Dimensions:120mm x 80mm


Certifications:CE, UL, ISO 9001

    Crafted with precision-engineered components, the AB 1336-L4 LESS ENCODER BOARD is optimized for demanding industrial environments, ensuring reliability and durability.

    This motion control module is compatible with various automation systems, facilitating easy integration and system scalability.

    Featuring a compact design, it efficiently occupies minimal space on your machine, making it an ideal choice for compact automation setups.

    With its robust communication protocol support, this board ensures seamless data exchange with other components in your system, enhancing overall efficiency and responsiveness.

    Designed for long-term operation, the AB 1336-L4 LESS ENCODER BOARD is built to withstand harsh conditions, guaranteeing continuous performance even in challenging environments.



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